In a recovering economy more dependent on delivery services than in the past, Grubhub sought to compete for a larger market share among New Yorkers looking for conveniences and a good deal, turning to Vector Media for help.
Since 2020, people really know a QR code when they see one. That’s why
Grubhub used one in their 15 Double Decker OOH Full Wraps to offer New
Yorkers in all 5 boroughs a free meal coupon. The killer deal only lasted one
day, and New Yorkers ate it up, resulting in a 600% lift in sales for Grubhub.
In order to keep up the momentum, Grubhub kept the creative up for an
additional week of media visibility, yielding over 9 Million "real world"
impressions and millions more "online" via google search and social media.